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I stumbled across this game looking for a different game. I was thinking about playing this game and installed it. I love it so much! I can't wait to play what other games you make next.


I look forward to more! :)


This game is amazing so far! I love Lucas so much, ngl. The voice acting is really well done, some of the best I've seen in english VNs! The different accents add so much to the story and characters, thanks for your hard work, can't wait until the full thing comes out. 

(3 edits)

What little I've seen of the Demo looks absolutely amazing.  :) 

However... I've only been able to play maybe 10 mins of it because certain controls started becoming unresponsive (I'd have to click 10-15 times before they'd respond, sometimes not at all) and when I finally got back into the game (from a Save) it completely froze up.

Also had a window pop-up with "Are you sure? Yes/No" when I tried to load a Save, and then everything froze up again.

My system specs are:

OS: Windows 10 Home (64-bit)
RAM: 16.0 GB
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 (8 GB GDDR5)

Forgot to add, I'm playing this build:


I'm having the same problem! I just started and this happened, I wish the creator responded to your post. I'll try downloading the 32 bit version bit I don't know if it would work. 

(1 edit) (+1)

This is lovely on many different levels. The music is pleasant, the sprites are cute, the backgrounds are vibrant, the animation is unexpected, but somehow works. Not much to comment on with the story, atm, but there is potential.

The demo is a little wobbly, though. I keep getting paired up with both Amaris and Sabre at the same time, with the same situations playing out 2 times in a row, Sabre 1st, then Amaris, ending with their sprites overlapping. Also, after peeking at Gilbert's route preview we're given a choice to watch Estelle's, and it plays regardless of whether yes or no is picked.

(4 edits)

It shows promise and the artstyle is good but the UI feels a bit too unresponsive at times. Things like trying to input our name (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it adds a character I didn't press), most buttons in the options screen don't work at all, clicking the confirmation button to load a save occasionally freezes my game, etc.

Just in case it's needed, here are my specs:
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600X 3.6MHz
GPU: Radeon 480 4GB
OS: Win10 64x

I really liked the demo, it was super interesting, and the art style was amazing. I'll be waiting for the full game!


i love the artstyle: very detailed , wonderful and animated sprites (or these are 3d models acting like 2d sprites?) , nice backgrounds and very good cgs, well-done voice-acting 

a lot of interesting and different characters. Plus romance. My favourite is Kitsune

whats the engine is this game created on?

interesting plot and lore. I'm waiting for more. Good luck with finishing project and patching bugs

I absolutely love this game! My only regret was that I found it too late in order to donate to the Kickstarter :(

Ah!  Since the campaign was unsuccessful!  We are planning on relaunching next week >w< would be great to see your support 

Thats great! I'll be sure to look for it!

The page was uploaded with a link to the new Kickstarter :)

(3 edits)

I love this game. I’ve been playing video games since I was 2 years old. I don’t think any of the professional games have ever made me like them this much. Move over Mario and Sonic, there’s a better game on the horizon.

Silver:Line is sooo good! I never like to cough up money. I always just download free mobile games or demos. But, I really want this game to be fully developed. So I’m willing to pay money. 

I just love this game so much. I loved the characters, story, interactions, voice actors/actresses and beautiful graphics. Please, pretty please, do finish the game some day. I don’t care how long it takes. I will patiently wait. 

(1 edit) (+1)

I am sorry to you tell the developers that the demo does not work on my pc i have tried windows bit 32 and 64 exrected and run but it all stop at the start up screen (black screen) and it stays that way

and in the task manager when i run the game three or four of the game application is shown that is open

and after i tried to delete the game (just delete) there is this file (SilverLine_windows32or64bit_1.8.7/Silverline/resources/Live2D/Amaris_Cloak.) that says could not find this item but the file there just can't do anything about it is that a bug or a virus having some trouble with that file please do give me solution for that i don't wana formet my pc just for that file

problem solved but still can't play the game tho

I also can't delete the Amaris_Cloak. file, how did you manage to do so?

(1 edit)

having same problem, how did you delete it?

Hi there! Just dropping by to say I absolutely LOVED the game! The story is well-set and all the characters create an incredibly charming group of people who were brought together by fate, it seems :D 
Still, I'm sure you could work on some bits to make the game even better! :) First of all, the story feels somewhat... rushed at times? Is it because it's a demo, or is everything really as "easy" as it seems? I mean the main plotline's tempo only, everything else is great, but I just couldn't help but get the feeling that the game skipped some content and is already ending although I've barely started it! And it creates a sense of longing because the game is SO GOOD and I WANT MORE hahah :D 
Apart from that, I have one more thing to suggest... See, Sabre is absolutely stunning and I love his character and personality and my gosh I'm melting already just thinking about him BUT. Somehow his sprite seems a bit off. I think it has to do with the head-to-body ratio, and with how his torso looks. A bit wide, may I say? ^^; His head looks tiny and girlish in comparison. And his abs (hey, you show, I watch, don't judge me XD) also seem to be drawn in a rush. I'm sure if you could work on him  just a bit everyone (me included...) would drool over him even more! :D 
Next up, just a tip. The music you're using? Is very mainstream, let's be honest hahah. It's used in a lot of otome games and I think your game deserves something more unique! Since the quality is better than most such games (at least I think so), the music should be so too! There are a lot of websites with other copyright-free music and it's likely you'd find enchanted and beautiful tracks there which will fit your game wonderfully. If you need help finding these I'm here for you! :) Still, it's something that will make the game more charming, but is not something that HAS TO be done because I know how time-consuming game-making is already!
Last of all, I'm just gonna say... I've never heard such good voice acting in any other non-commercial otome. In fact, your game may exceed commercial ones, even! So I'd love for you guys to be able to include full voice acting instead of partial one :D It really adds a whole new dimension to these lovely characters! Now, how likely is it that you may implement voicing for all characters, for the entire game? I'd love to know to set my expectations for once the full game releases because I'm absolutely playing it ;) 
Either way, I love the setting, love the characters, love the overall artstyle, love the atmosphere, love the lore. It shows that a lot of time was spent on polishing the game bit by bit! Except for what I mentioned I really can't spot any other issues, I'm completely hooked on this game and impatient to play it as soon as possible! Love you guys and your work, it's amazing! Best of luck on your way! 

Such a great game I wasn't expecting the 3d-ness but it worked well!!

Anticipating Gilbert's route, liked him from the very beginning :3

(1 edit) (+1)

 Excited to see where this game is going; but the settings related to Speed and Sound doesn't work. Have tried to reinstall the game, no dice...

Hey there, drag it across from the very end :) not clicking it.

Hi, do you  plan to implement voices for protagonists male and female ?

This is a great work thanks

I'm afraid not. TwT Most players will enjoy giving their own headcanon voices to their MC.

there is a Silver:line game  in kickstarter and take your time to make a game?

I'm afraid you've misunderstood. Kickstarter is a site used to create campaigns to financially support several kinds of projects, including Silver:Line. This indicates that this is an actual demo of the game, which is currently being developed.


I liked what little I could play of it; but it kept freezing at every scene transition, and I'd often get stuck on menus where the buttons wouldn't do anything. I really wanted to play more, but it was getting near impossible to continue...

Hey there!  Oh no!  So sorry to hear about the freezes. Do you think you can provide us with more info?  What build were you on?  And what specs are your PC? 

I was on the build 1.8.7, as for my PC's specs, I'm afraid I don't know. I'm not really a tech-savvy person. but I did try again and was able to get through it this time, it was very good!


Art, CG and the voice acting was A class. Usually I cringe when I hear voice actors on VN that are not Japanese, because they sound pretty awkward and unprofessional (cant blame them), but here it sounds very fitting. Granted it's no Japanese professionally train VA, but it's pretty goddamn well made for a game that popped outta nowhere.

The moving animation was just purely amazingly. I noticed the animation tried to match with the voice of the actors initially as well. Not just that the game also have a range of expression for the main characters as well and each was placed appropriately depend on the scenario.  

The CG and transition between character dialogues are smooth. The CG itself is so very well made and I noticed one particular transition in the beginning when it turned from day to night. That was very fluid and I almost felt like I was watching an anime for a second.

Gender definitely plays a big role in how the characters react to you and it's not just a generic switching of pronouns so big kudo to that.  The choices you make also create different situation. I can definitely feel a change in my MC when I pick certain choices that trigger her emotions like anger or creating conflicts so they aren't kidding when they say your choices make your story.

Overall this is definitely the best VN I've played. Not sure plot wise but the amount of effort that was made into the game CG, voice actors and animation is definitely top class.

I do have a complaint regarding the key setting. I wish I can hide the textbox to look at the CG sometime and since this dont look like it was made with RenPy some of the normal key button is not the same. Such as the save function, quick save, load and quick load arent as accessible because there are no hotkey or when you press esc it doesnt exactly pop out the menu UI for you. This is especially inconvenient because you cant scroll with your mouse wheel and remake your choices (because once again this is not your normal 2D VN they have animations and VA).  So once you make them it's permanent unless you load your save. Keep in mind there's also no auto save so you have to remember to save whenever you think you played long enough. So far that's my only complaint. The game mechanic itself, but definitely would pay 40 dollars or more for this VN if I get to play the full game and it has interesting plot. 

Thank you for writing a such a long message to us! This put such a big smile on us and we can't wait to show you even more stuff we have in store for you.

This game is so cool the characters there like amazing and the desine ate so cute i like lucas and the ch charCter that we name

this novel is pretty much a  masterpiece!, expressible characters, beautiful visual, gorgous characters and hooking story make me hungry for even more, I can't wait to play the full game keep up the good work, this is probably one of the best novel I have played so far.

(1 edit) (+2)

I honestly appreciate that choosing your gender actually creates dialouge differences and isn't there just to be a cosmetic. Very cool. I'm definitly going to replay routes see these changes.

The game looks fun and the art is quite nice, so I'm honestly pretty eager to play this in its entirety. 

On another note, does the game lag in places sometimes for anyone else?


Gotta say I love the fact that the characters aren't static images. With most VN's you're lucky if they move their mouth or blink, and I utterly adore the fact that the characters move as much as they do, very cool.  Great art, like the story so far, looking forward to seeing more. 

(Kitsune and Amaris <3 )

Deleted 244 days ago

i felt this as well! i love tropes but these ones kind of killed it for me :/ excited for the game though!

I adore this! Having the mc be a supporting character is actually really fun, makes them more relatable than some other kinds of mcs. The graphics are super cool, I've never seen a vn with anything like them, and I love all the characters (Lucas is the best boi). 

Loved this demo!! Excited to see where this dev team takes this game!! So much potential, and super excited to see the final product!! 


I didn't  finish the demo yet, but I  have to say so far it looks amazing! I usually start playing novels to try them out and drop them soon after because I don't like the "rythm" but this story and writing style kept me totally hoocked! 

Thank you for the high praises c: it really encourages us to keep working hard on it


A-ma-zing. Honestly hooked on the story and I'm never really too much of a fan of visual novel type games, but I was blown away by both graphics and said story. Can't wait for more - I need that Lucas ending stat!! :)

Super talented team you got, amazing work.


Ahhhh thank you! It warms the team hearts to see this message! We are so happy that you enjoy it c:

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